The Delaroderie Website

Welcome to the Delaroderie website

On March 23, 2004, Rad Delaroderie registered


as an internet domain. The intent is to provide a place where topics, input, reference material, and other information related to the Delaroderie name can be assembled in one location that is globally accessible to members of the Delaroderie family, friends, and the world community.

This domain will always be a work-in-progress. The general format, focus, or purpose may, and probably will, steadily evolve-- I look for input from any and all to help develop, guide, and shape this web site into a interesting and educational platform that portrays the Delaroderie bloodline.


December 6, 2021

Leslie Delaroderie died in hospice after years of declining health, just three days shy of her 68th birthday.

August 12, 2016

Becky Delaroderie died in her home on this date. She had been dealing with many years of declining health with significant cardiac and respiratory issues.

September 10, 2015

On this date, Rad moved from west central Georgia to central Florida. See Rad’s profile for details.

September, 2012

The Delaroderie web site is now being maintained with NetObjects Fusion 12.0. A few minor additions and corrections were made.

June, 2011

The Delaroderie web site is now being maintained with NetObjects Fusion 11.0. I plan to update/revamp this site with the new features/functions that have become available in the past couple of years-- getting this site ‘up-to-standards’, if you will.

Note that the Delaroderie Forum is no longer being used because 1) it was corrupted by Russian hackers a few years ago, and 2) it was rarely used anyway.

December 29, 2007

The Delaroderie web site now has its own Discussion Group/Forum, using the latest sophisticated software from the phpBB open source project. All are welcome and encouraged to visit (just click the button at the top right of the page)!

January-December, 2007

Rad spent the entire year designing and building his ‘retirement’ home on 4 acres of woods north of Columbus, Ga.

August 10, 2006

Rodolph (Bucky) Audibert Delaroderie III died in his home on this date of an abdominal aneurysm. His passing was quick and he did not suffer. Please check on ‘General News’, then ‘Bucky’ for more details.

February 15, 2005

John Michael Delaroderie died on this date of complications related to an ongoing inoperable cancer. Please click on ‘General News’, then ‘Mike’ for more details.

April 30, 2004

Bucky and Patsy Delaroderie (with Patsy doing the bulk of the work, of course) have assembled genealogical records of the apparently senior Delaroderie: Alphonse (great-grandfather to Rodolph A. Delaroderie, Sr.)

I’ve posted a preliminary ‘male namesake bloodline’ page based on the initial information.  This promises to be the first of many more documents and records to come, and will serve as a beginning for the Genealogy section of this website...

April 19, 2004

The guestbook feature has been significantly enhanced for simpler and more reliable data entry and maintenance.

April 14, 2004

The original website has been completely rewritten with NetObjects Fusion software.  This will provide greatly enhanced functionality and features.  Anyone now interested in having their own ‘News’ section should contact me at the Feedback page so I can set one up for you.

March 26, 2004

Initial response has been very positive, with several people offering to help and provide information.

Much has been added and fleshed out already. A 'News' section and a 'Photos' section has been added. The 'Contact' section is becoming populated with information. I hope to get more news and photos from others to put on this website.